To transform K-12 public education systems across the country, systems leaders need to be prepared, developed, and supported to lead, innovate, and create lasting impact.
Many systems leaders find that little development, training, and support is available once they reach the highest levels of leadership.
The Catalyst Fellowship is a year-long learning experience for current and aspiring systems leaders. We provide rigorous professional development through in-person learning experiences, online learning modules, community building, and coaching. Our differentiated approach for every fellow allows for timely and relevant learning for immediate application and practice.
A core part of the Fellowship experience is applied learning. Fellows identify a project or challenge in their district, and are equipped with the skills and resources to tackle it using Cambiar’s CREATE framework - a process that engages communities in the co-creation of sustainable solutions to systemic challenges.
In addition to applying their learning during the Fellowship, fellows leave with this skill set that can then be applied to other challenges and problems to magnify the impact on their system.
Fellows participate in multiple in-person and virtual and in-person learning experiences focused on leading systems across the country. During the learning experiences, fellows are exposed to key content that equips them with the skills to change the conditions in their system to improve outcomes for all students.
Given the high stakes and complexity of public education, school system leadership can be a lonely place, leading to high burnout and turnover rates. The Fellowship’s cohort-based learning model focuses deeply on building the community and support network of individuals necessary for a healthy, sustainable career in systems leadership. We have found that fellows gain significant strength and momentum by coming together as a community to learn together, support one another, network, and share resources.
The Catalyst team has decades of experience coaching successful K12 system leaders.
Fellows are paired with an experienced and highly-trained coach, providing them with monthly coaching sessions to overcome evolving leadership and systems challenges.
Fellows also participate in and receive feedback from the C360, Catalyst’s unique 360-degree leadership assessment, which was developed based on the skills and abilities we have identified as crucial to successful K12 system leadership.

Catalyst accepts experienced educators with a strong belief that all students can succeed, and a deep belief that systems must be reimagined to create the transformational change needed for students nationally.
Ideally, the applicant will be in a systems-level role of significant responsibility.
There is no minimum years of experience required. The average years of work experience for fellows is 14 years.


We are looking for experienced educators with a strong belief that every student can succeed, and a deep belief that systems must be reimagined to create the transformational change needed for students nationally.
Successful candidates must demonstrate the following:
Track record of demonstrated, measurable positive impact on students
Clearly articulated vision and motivation for school systems leadership
Proven ability to lead and manage adults
Ideally, the applicant will be in a systems-level role of significant responsibility.
There is no minimum years of experience required. The average years of work experience for fellows is 14 years.
There is a multi-stage selection process. Individuals who wish to be considered for admission should begin by submitting an application online.
The Fellowship consists of over 150 hours of live learning, a year of professional coaching with a highly-qualified and experienced coach, and in-person and virtual learning experiences.
We ask districts to contribute $15,000 towards the full cost of the Fellowship.
The Fellowship is a year-long commitment. The 2025 Cohort will begin in the summer of 2025 and concludes in summer 2026.
The learning experiences offered as part of the Fellowship are critical to the depth and breadth of Fellow development. As such, it is crucial and mandatory for all participants accepting a spot in the 2025-2026 cohort are available for and hold the following dates:
Learning Experience #1: July 14-18, 2025
Learning Experience #2: September 15-19, 2025 (in-person, location TBD)
Learning Experience #3: November 10-14, 2025
Learning Experience #4: January 19-23, 2026
Learning Experience #5: March 23-27, 2026
Learning Experience #6: June 15-19, 2026 (in-person, location TBD)
Fellows work in systems of diverse size, geography, and sector, including traditional K12 districts, state education agencies, charter school networks, and education organizations nationally. An overview of our state, district, and charter partners can be found here.
We prioritize fit and potential for impact in our application process. Our final applicant pool will determine the final size of the cohort.
All fellows are trained on Cambiar’s CREATE framework to engage their communities - students, educators, families, and partners - to co-create innovative solutions to entrenched challenges. Over the course of the Fellowship, each fellow completes an Action Impact Project designed to improve student outcomes in their communities.
The fellowship learning arc also includes: high-quality instructional materials and professional learning; whole child development; leadership and team management; strategy and execution; coalition-building; communications; and personal leadership.
The Catalyst team has decades of experience working in and supporting systems leaders. In addition, fellows are able to learn directly from the experiences of successful superintendents and national education leaders.
Yes, if you have applied before, you are eligible to apply again. Should you have any questions about your candidacy, you are encouraged to email us.
Still have questions? Email us.